Amos Key | ru

Тори Эймос (Tori Amos), не имея в активе ни одного сверхпопулярного хита, не спровоцировав ни одного повода для появления на страницах желтой прессы, смогла обзавестись миллионами отчаянно преданных поклонников, став одной из ключевых фигур женского рок-движения 90-х. Делая акцент на остроумные, вдумчивые, образные тексты и опираясь на традиции авторского рока 70-х, Тори Эймос остается одной из очень немногих артисток, влюбленных в рояль и почти никогда с ним не расстающихся. С его помощью она высказывает свой взгляд на политику, религию, историю, сексуальность, власть мужчин и женские проблемы. Его звучание она дополняет органом, клавесином, клавикордами, фисгармонией, клавишами Fender Rhodes, выступая певицей, пианисткой,...
There are at least 3 bands with this name: 1. An Argentinian space-country folk sextet. 2. An Australian post-rock, funk inspired trio. 3. A Dublin rock'n'soul quintet. More info about the Argentinian Los Alamos: In less than one year since their debut album No se menciona la soga en casa del ahorcado (Cuatrereo Records, 2005), Los Alamos has been chosen as the revelatory band of 2005 by the readers and critics alike of Rolling Stone (Argentina). The space-country sound that characterizes the band has awakened laudatory praises in neighboring countries. In August of this year, Los Alamos put out their...
Starting over again can be a pain. However looking at The Don Ramos Players with fresh eyes was enough to make them realise then when something does come to an end, you always have to look forward at the prospect of doing something in a different light. They have played in bands that have come and gone. They are John, Smittens, Lloyd and Adam. They are The Don Ramos Players. What was originally going to start out as a solo project soon turned into a proper band. They draw influences from bands such as Hot Water Music, The Lawrence Arms,...
Since 1996,when Samostalni Referenti were formed,until today, energetic gigs of this ten-man band have attracted fans of their musical expression and restless `skanking`.Their sound represents authentic,dance mixture of of Ska and Punk,enriched with the sound of the violin and the accordion,instruments which are a rare sight in those music genres. Rererenti`s songs were recorded for the first time on a demo tape,back in 1999.Their originality drew attention of one of the music publishing houses,but for a very short time,because the lyrics of their songs were characterized as `too dangerous` for the political situation in Serbia.The whole deal about recording and...