A Magnifique Bande dos Homes Sen Medo | ru

Sin Bandera ("Flagless") was a Latin pop duo based in Mexico that consisted of Leonel García, and Noel Schajris. They became one of the most popular artists after their debut album "Sin Bandera" was released in 2001. Leonel Garcia (from Mexico) had the idea to be soloist, he showed dexterity with the guitar and the voice, but his project remained frozen at the record companies. At the same time, Noel Schajris (from Argentina, now a nationalized Mexican) was preparing another solo album after making his debut in 1999. Both being musicians, composers and singers, they discovered the ideal formula to...
Алихан Самедов родился в 1964г. В Азербайджане, в семье музыканта. Музыкальное образование получил в музыкальной школе [ Samad Vurghun]. В 1990г. Закончил Азербайджанский Университет. Один из немногих азербайджанских авторов и исполнителей, добившийся признания за пределами своей родины. Благодаря красивой традиционной музыке, виртуозному владению аутентичными инструментами, и современной адаптации в духе Enigma, его музыка заслужила самые высокие оценки в разных странах. Алихан Самедов - азербайджанец, живущий в Турции, музыкант, мастер игры на балабане - древнем азербайджанском язычковом духовом инструменте, история которого уходит в VI-VII века н.э. .
Not every worthwhile San Francisco psychedelic group of the late '60s got to record often, or at all. Frumious Bandersnatch were one of the most prominent examples, their output limited to a meager (if good) three-song EP that barely anyone outside of the area heard. The band's stinging guitars were very reminiscent of those employed by Jefferson Airplane's Jorma Kaukonen, Quicksilver Messenger Service, and the Moby Grape; their harmonies, too, were quite close in style to the Airplane and Grape, with vibrating lead vocals in the mold of Marty Balin or the Grape's Bob Mosley. The band were actually formed...
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