יובל בנאי | pt

Meir Banai (מֵאִיר בַּנַאי‎‎, 5 July 1961 – 12 January 2017) was an Israeli musician, singer, and songwriter. מאיר בנאי, הראשון מאנשי הדור השני של הבנאים (יובל, אהוד, אביתר, אורי וגם אורנה) שזכה, בראשית שנות ה-80, לתשומת לב כזמר ויוצר. במשפחה כל כך רבת כשרונות לא קל להתבלט, אך מאיר הוא ללא ספק, ומבלי להמעיט מיכולתם של בני דודיו, הבולט בחבורה מבחינה קולית. עם זאת, במבט על הצד המסחרי של הקריירה שלו, נדמה שבנאי עוד לא מיצה את מלוא הפוטנציאל שלו, למרות שבאופן מצטבר הוא מכר יותר מ-150,000 עותקים מאלבומיו. מאיר בנאי נולד ב-1961 בבאר שבע להורים שאינם מתחום הבידור....
Banai nasceu em 1953 em Jerusalém, Israel. Aos dez anos de idade aprendeu a tocar o violocelo e escutava Elvis Presley, Cliff Richard e mais tarde os Beatles. Em 1971 foi alistado no exército israelense, na unidade Nahal (Juventude Combatente Pioneira), que tinha como função construir novos assentamentos e kibbuts em áreas inóspitas ou perigosas, e lá aprendeu a tocar a guitarra. Após ser dispensado se mudou para Londres, onde tocou no London Underground por seis meses. Durante esse período decidiu se tornar músico. Ele voltou para Israel e em 1982 formou uma banda com o cantor Avi Matos, tentando...
Yossi Banai (1932 – May 11, 2006) was an Israeli performer, singer and dramatist. Banai was born in Jerusalem, and grew up in the neighborhood of the Mahne Yehuda market. He was one of the more prominent members of a family celebrated for producing several famous performers and musicians: his brothers Gavri, Ya'akov and Haim are actors, his son Yuval and nephews Ehud, Uri, Me'ir and Evyatar are singers (some of whom occasionally act), and his niece Orna is an actress and comedian. Banai was one of the first members of the IDF's famous troupe of performers, the Nahal troupe....
With original melodic piano compositions, dark, personal, poetic lyrics, and a high quality of singing in a high-pitched and unique voice, Evyatar Banai stormed into the Israeli music and become one of the fascinating forces in it at the late 90s. His first album achieved great success, and after the album released Banai proved that he is a real artist, that doesn't need to repeat some structure to be successful. Banai was born in 1973 in Beer Sheva. The extended Banai family is notable as an outstanding family of Israeli artists; Eviatar is the younger brother of the actress Orna...
Encontrado 9 canções, duração: 36:41
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ניפגש במאי
מה יהיה
את המעיין
בבר האפריקאי
רש"י דאב
כאן שם ובכל מקום