Misery Inc | pt

There are multiple artists with this name: 1) Misery is a crust punk band formed in 1987 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. For a city that was known for bands such a The Replacements and Husker Du, this was a whole new take on the Minneapolis sound. Misery brought heavy, grinding, crust punk into a town full of college-friendly bar bands. They are are known for political, peace punk 2) Misery is a legendary Australian act that spans two decades. Playing epic doom-laced death metal, they are one of Australia's most crushing acts. http://www.facebook.com/miseryfuneraldoom 3) Misery is an American experimental...
Misery Inc. é uma banda de melodic death metal, formada em Myrskylä, Finlândia, em Outubro de 2001. Lançaram 3 albúns desde então. Membros atuais: Niko Mankinen - vocals Mikko Herranen - vocals Janne Tolonen - guitar Teemu Ylämäki - guitar Aki Heikinheimo - bass Joonas Kauppinen - drums Discografia: Yesterday's Grave (2003) Random End (2006) Breedgreedbreed (2007) .
Biography: Namely the so-called ´´Garden of Eden´´ Reduced to an exploitable land and the ´´Misery´´ of mankind in its destructive behaviour... Formed aiming to deliver a genuine intense music. Melancholy threatening hope, anger defying serenity, all of thoseblend altogether to create a vivid and illuminating sound. During the year 2007 TMG recorded a 3-Tracks demo-CD for promocional use and eventully began to record their first album ´´Another Great On Earth´´ (Discovery of the month on Rockhard France - December 2009) the following year. Fourteen powerful yet melodic songs publishedmon October 2009 by Galleo Records. Following this release, TMG were plawed...
é uma banda alemã de Münster, North Rhine-Westphalia,seu gênero apresenta Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore. Przemek - Vocal (I Despise (Ger), Seventh Seal Broken) Stephan Gall - Guitarra (Dawn of Insanity) Florian Füntmann - Guitarra, formerly Bass (Volition (Ger), Long Distance Calling) Martin Grossmann - Baixo (Steel Death) Janosch Rathmer - bateria (Long Distance Calling) .
Church of Misery é uma banda proeminente de Tóquio, Japão. A banda tem uma grande influência do doom metal a-lá Black Sabbath, inserindo alguns elementos psicodélicos em suas músicas, além dos vocais gritados e riffs de influência do blues rock. A maior parte de suas músicas são baseadas em histórias de Serial Killers famosos. .