Magdalen Graal | pt

Magdalena Kozená nasceu em Brno, na República Checa. Estudou no Conservatório da sua cidade natal, tendo prosseguido a sua formação artística com Eva Blahová na Escola de Artes Dramáticas de Bratislava. Foi contemplada com numerosos e importantes prémios na República Checa e a nível internacional, atingindo o ponto mais alto no 6.º Concurso Internacional Mozart, em Salzburgo, em 1995. Magdalena Kozená grava em exclusivo para a editora Deutsche Grammophon, tendo o seu primeiro recital em disco incluindo canções de Dvorák, Janácek e Martinu e ganho um Prémio Gramophone. Gravações mais recentes incluem: árias de Mozart, Gluck e Myslivecek, com a...
Magdalena Solis was a Belgian music and visual project that was active between 2010-2013. Early recordings were released on a first EP Lady Of The Wild Things, a very hybrid collection of short instrumental songs. For the first full album Hesperia the multitude of influences were funneled into in a more worldly rock sound. The project was also know for its thought-provoking video work, and in 2012 the Hesperia video were released on a dvd. .
There is more than one artist with this name. 1. A piano driven rock/indie trio formed in late 2007. Their self titled debut album 'Magdalena' was released in 2008. 2. The 5 piece Symphonic band was formed in Osaka during the mid 80’s and included Taku Fujii (Guitar), Nobuo Itõ ( Drums), Youzou Kashima (Keyboards), Chokura Nishiguchi (Bass) and of course Mehumi Tokuhisa as the main vocalist. In 1987 they released their self titled debut which represents one of the peaks of Japanese Symphonic, the music is clearly inspired in early 70’s British Symphonic and it’s based in powerful guitar...
Magda Turowska - wokalistka, muzyk, menadżer kultury. Pochodzi z Koszalina. Zadebiutowała w 1990r. Zdobyła wiele nagród na festiwalach piosenki poetyckiej, na Studenckim Festiwalu Piosenki w Krakowie, na Spotkaniach Zamkowych “Śpiewajmy Poezję!” w Olsztynie. Jej piosenka i teledysk „Rzeki snu” gościły na liście przebojów „Muzycznej Jedynki”. Współpracowała z TVP 1 przy tworzeniu muzycznego programu telewizyjnego „Kraina Łagodności”. Od maja 1995r. jest właścicielką Agencji Inicjatyw Artystycznych „Cytryna”. Była współtwórcą i redaktorem serii płyt „Złota Kolekcja” zawierającej największej przeboje gwiazd polskiej piosenki wydanej przez POMATON EMI. Jej piosenki można znaleźć na solowej płycie „Rzeki Snu” oraz na kompilacjach „Cytryna”, „Pomarańcza”, „Kraina Łagodności”....
There are multiple bands with this name. 1. Ukraine -> Avant-garde with elements of black/death metal Last known lineup: Leonid Savin - Vocals, Guitar, Fluite, Bayan Anatoliy Makogon - Vocals, Bass, Percussion Maxim Kirichenko - Drums, Percussion, Programming, Sound Effects Nataliya Makogon - Keyboards Formed in 1992 under the name Temptation and later changed their name to Brainstorm, before becoming Graal in 1997. The band released the album “Sigullum Naturae” in 1998, and "Gedankent.raum/Graal" in 2000. They have since split up. .