Gurdas Maan | pt

2. Maanantai on suomalainen humoristista eurodancevaikutteista musiikkia esittävä yhtye. Jäseninä toimivat räppääjä Peter Bottne (oik. Petri Flander), Harry Triton ja Jan Landlord (oik. Jari Salonen). Yhtyeen tunnetuin kappale on "Mixet tahdo olla munkaa", joka oli vuoden 1994 myydyin kotimainen single. Yhtye teki comebackin heinäkuussa 2010. Tuolloin julkaistiin myös uusi single "Sahara" ja remixversio kappaleesta "Mixet tahdo olla munkaa". Yhtye julkaisi uuden studioalbumin Paternosterin 8. joulukuuta 2010. Uudessa kokoonpanossa on mukana myös CatCatissa tunnetuksi tullut Katja Kätkä. Discography: Karuimmat rakkauslaulut (1994) Vinyyli (1996) Paternoster (2010) .
Lead by former Afghan Whigs lead guitarist Rick McCollum, Moon Maan was born along the banks of the Ohio River Valley in places like Louisville, KY, and Cincinnati, OH before traveling up river to Minneapolis, MN. Following the break-up of the Afghan Whigs in 2001, McCollum would find solace and inspiration in listening to the music that led him to pick up the guitar in the first place, including Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, T.Rex, and what McCollum calls the pinnacle of music, Sly Stone, the Stooges, and Jimi Hendrix. The current band roster includes: guitarist and background vocalist Bryan...
Defunct project created by Vindsval (better known for his work in Blut Aus Nord). Released a demo in '95 and the EP "The veil of Osiris" in '98. .
1) Maan is a Dutch singer, who won the 6th edition of the Voice of Holland in January 2016 2) Alias of Psyk (real name Manuel Anós). 3) "MAAN consist of two Flemish engineer students in their early twenties. They do not only love their sciences cold, their debut LP 'Manifold' harks back to the misanthropic aesthetics of Belgium's wave era, bringing to mind a drumless version of Joy Division inspired bands such as Gruppenbild or De Brassers. But MAAN are not the kind of revivalists you would expect them to be. Although the four track garage quality makes them...
Shamaani duo consisted of Jonne Järvelä (Shaman, Korpiklaani) and Maaren Aikio. They played together for some years in the tourist centre 'Hullu poro', Levi, Finnish Lapland. In 1996 the first (and only) album was recorded. Titled: Hunka Lunka. The music leans on traditional and ethnic songs, and a very important part of it is the yoik singing (a traditional way of singing by the Sámi-people in Lapland). Only accoustic instruments with certain keyboard leads are used. Järvelä's former band Shaman also used some of the songs of Hunka Lunka as a base. .