El Kinto | pt

Kinto Sol é uma banda de Rap Mexicano formada por três irmãos: DJ Payback Garcia (Javier García), El Chivo (Eduardo García) e Skribe (Manuel García). Naturais de Iramuco, no México, mudaram-se para o EUA ainda jovens, onde se estableceram em Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sua música, essencialmente cantada em espanhol, mistura elementos de música regional mexicana com batidas de hip-hop. O nome Kinto Sol origina-se uma antiga lenda Asteca, que diz que o quinto sol será o último a se estabelecer nesta vida. Discografia: - Hecho en Mexico (2003, Disa) - Del norte al sur (2004, Disa) - La Sangre Nunca Muere...
Some bands go through protracted courtships before they ever play a note of music together. Mackintosh Braun was not one of those. "We started writing and recording together the first day we met," recalls Ian Mackintosh, one-half of the indie/electro-pop duo from Portland, OR. "We couldn't stop it." Their musical ideas and beliefs were too simpatico not to. "We were so on the same page it was kind of stupid," concurs Ben. "We met at the perfect time in our creative journeys." Together they compose perfect pop songs, succinct and compelling enough to stand alone on piano or acoustic guitar,...