Dj Gekko | pt

Founder of Loopzilla (Loopzilla, ex Gekko-Mix, is a free netlabel focusing on netlabel dj mixes. The musical range is about minimal, elektronic stuff - you just can´t have enough of that shit.), also mastermind behind (releasing monthly mix-sets under the alias XLT) including a fine, little webradio streaming 24/7 numerous dj sets. Seth hosted a weekly party date in Mönchengladbach - Germany - for several years, then discovered the internet as platform for his, more or less, creative output. At the beginning of 2006 he took a closer look at the growing netlabel scene, being surprised of the hugh...
1) Hyphy/Techno artist from the San Fransisco Bay Area 2) Hardcore / Breakcore producer from UK. 3) Drum & Bass artist from Zagreb (Croatia). Member of the Drum & Bass crew called Bass Invaders. .