Chancey Williams the Younger Brothers Band | pt

Sin Bandera foi uma banda de rock e pop latino baseada no México, que consistiu pela dupla de cantores o mexicano Leonel García, e o argentino Noel Schajris. Eles se tornaram um dos artistas mais populares depois de seu primeiro álbum, "Sin Bandera" que foi lançado em 2001. História Sin Bandera foi formada espontaneamente pelo mexicano Leonel García, ele tinha a idéia de cantar sozinho, sempre mostrou destreza com a guitarra e com a voz, mas seu projeto ficou parado nas lojas de discos. Ao mesmo tempo, o argentino Noel Schajris estreiou em 1999 como cantor com seu primeiro disco...
J Soul Brothers is an all-male Japanese R&B group. The first incarnation of the group came about in 1999 when former member of the Japanese group Zoo, Hiro, startet a new R&B group with the dancers Matsu, Usa, and Makidai, and singer Sasa. The group disbanded in 2001 when Sasa decided to embark on a solo career, and the remaining members went on to form another Japanese R&B group, Exile. In 2007 Hiro decided to revive the group with all new members: singers Nesmith and Shokichi, and the dancers Kenchi, Keiji, Tetsuya, Naoto, and Naoki, with Hiro on producing duties....
NOTE: As it seems, there are four musical ensembles going by the name "Banda": one is a Slovak ethno band, the two is a traditional Mexican music, the three is a russian R`n`B band leading Timati and the fourth one is Polish hip hop group from Radom. The following text is about the Slovak Banda. The musical band Banda originated in 2003. The band approaches folk songs in a modern manner, which categorises it into the ethno or world music. Basing on familiar knowledge and interpretive mastering the traditional, authentic vocal and instrument forms, the Banda creatively restructures and reinterprets...