Bela Karoli | pt

Belanova é uma banda da cidade de Guadalajara formada no início dos anos 2000. O trío é Composto pelos integrantes: Denisse, Édgar e Richie. Denisse e Édgar trabalhavam em um bar e foi ele quem, com o tempo depois, conheceu Richie e formaram Belanova. A banda possui 5 álbuns de estúdio e vendeu mais de 5 milhões de discos. Vencedores do maior prêmio musical do planeta, Grammy Latino, o trio electro pop é reconhecido pelos grandes críticos da música graças a seu grande talento em produção, composição e performance. Com 10 anos de carreira, Belanova conquistou cada canto do continente...
Harold "Harry" George Belafonte, Jr. (Nova Iorque, 1 de março de 1927) é um músico, cantor, ator e ativista político e pacifista norte-americano de ascendência jamaicana. Um dos mais bem sucedidos artistas de origem caribenha da história, foi apelidado de “Rei do Calypso” por popularizar o ritmo caribenho nos Estados Unidos nos anos 50. Durante sua carreira tem sido um radical ativista político, envolvido em lutas pelos direitos civis e diversas causas humanitárias e atualmente é um dos maiores críticos no meio artístico americano à política do governo Bush. Belafonte nasceu no Harlem, o bairro negro pobre da cidade de...
Emerging from Long Island, New York, Bela Kiss comes from a place that has seemingly been recognized for its ever-popular music scene and vast array of influential bands. Bela Kiss is no stranger amongst the heard who trace their origins back to these familiar stomping grounds. Since their birth in 2004, Bela Kiss has been on two independent labels (Audio Deprived Records: 2004-2005 / Hotfoot Records: 2007), and has released two albums in that time. With limited promotion and backing, this 5-man band was still able to move a couple thousand units, which certainly helped them, progress from their early...
Two young guitarists heavily influenced by the likes of the Fireballs, Johnny & The Hurricanes, Duane Eddy and Link Wray were Paul Johnson and Eddie Bertrand. As Lullaby Of The Leaves was being launched in the spring of 1961 they were busy recording their first single, Paul's minor key composition Mr Moto, at Liberty Records in Hollywood. The band were from the South Bay area of Los Angeles, and over the following year it was the association between groups like the Belairs and Dick Dale & The Del-Tones and the burgeoning beach culture of surfers which resulted in their evolving...
Daniel Bélanger (born in Montreal, 1962) is a French Canadian musician and singer. He is considered as one of the best Québécois songwriter and singer of the 90s. Most of his music is inspired by alternative rock, folk and electronic music. In 1983, he founded the band Humphrey Salade with Eric Maier, Norman Lachance and Jean Gauvin. Unfortunately, timing was not right and the band never recorded. His first solo album released in 1993, Les Insomniaques s'amusent has sold 175,000 copies and won the Félix for best pop-rock album. The first single released Opium was number one in Québec for...