Alaska Y Los Pegamoides | pt

A wind swept chill sends jitters through kids huddled around thier boom boxes, Ipod wires freeze over, its the Alaskan Fishermen... These mo'fuckas only get together to impress each other, and thats the number one most dangerous job on Earth! The Alaskan Fishermen consist of Father Time, God Forbid, Thirstin Howl The 3rd, all of them possessing their own unique and original style which sets them apart from many other groups out there. With production from one of Bostons' finest engineers Jeremy page a.k.a. Ronnie Ray Gun contributed immensely to their first project, Fire And Ice LP that is. The...
Like most music projects, the idea behind Spark Alaska began late at night while sitting on the edge of a bed with a guitar in hand. Originally a side project to Throw Television, a band whose members have now gone on work in projects such as Kjurr and Mannequins on 7th Street, Lorenzo Gillis Cook began writing music under the moniker Spark Alaska as a freshman in high school. Growing up in Brussels, Belgium as an expatriate from the United States, Spark Alaska became the primary creative outlet for Cook as he fiddled his way through adolescence, one song at...
Partindo de Birmingham, UK, o quinteto Oceans Ate Alaska é formado por James Harrison (vocais), James Kennedy (guitarra), Adam Zytkiewicz (guitarra), Mike Stanton (baixo) e Chris Turner (Bateria). Seu nome foi inspirado no maior tsunami do mundo - medindo 1.700 metros de altura - que demoliu a costa do Alasca, em 1958. A banda foi atraída pelo título de uma manchete de um jornal que dizia "Oceans Ate Alaska", e foi onde eles decidiram levar o nome em um caminho para fazer sua própria história. Ao empurrar os limites sonoros, Oceans Ate Alaska visam levar os ouvintes a uma viagem...
Built Like Alaska is an indie rock band from Oakdale, California, USA. Signing with Grandaddy's Sweat of the Alps label, they released their début full-length, Hopalong, in 2003. They attracted the attention of a larger indie label, Future Farmer, who released album number two, Autumnland, and re-released Hopalong, both in 2005. Also in 2005, the band provided the score for Scott Coffey's film Ellie Parker. The band is writing songs for album number three, which will be recorded, as always, at their own Taint of the Earth studios in the Oakdale countryside. .
Alasca no inverno é uma banda Eletronica da Norte-Americana constituída por Brandon Bethancourt, que abandonou a escola de arte em Albuquerque, Novo México e, segundo consta, "passou um semestre em uma pequena cabana no meio do nada Alaska gravar música em um laptop durante o inverno ", e que mais tarde veio a ser conhecido como o projeto", Alaska in Winter ". Bethancourt depois voltou para o Novo México e contou com a ajuda de colegas músicos, Zach Condon (Beirut), Heather Trost (A Hawk e um serrote), Hari Ziznewski (Rap), Stefanie Lamm, Rosina Roibal, Hilary Bethancourt, e Naila Santos para...