Vitor Leo | pl

Vitor Joaquim, laptop experimentalist, sound and visual artist, graduated in Sound and Film Studies. Started performing improvised music and working with contemporary dance by the late 80's. Since then, he has created extensively for dance, theatre, video, installations and cross media platforms, having worked with such collectives and creators as Vera Mantero, Paulo Ribeiro and Rui Horta, amongst many others. With Rui Horta he created the music for “LP” and the widely acclaimed and prized “Pixel”, among other works. Recently he has been collaborating with the Spanish choreographer Guillermo Weickert, with whom he co-directed the also acclaimed and prized “Go...
Vitor Hublot is originally from the Soignies town of Hainaut in Belgium. Guy Clerbois and Guy Delhalle knew each other since childhood. Delhalle already played in many groups for recreation and by chance suggested to Clerbois that they try to do something together. They wear their hearts on the name of Victor Hublot blew their friend, but at a concert given as part of the opening of an exhibition, a typo slipped on the poster. The designer omitted the letter "c" and the boys find themselves unwittingly baptised Vitor Hublot. Amused by this error, they decided to keep the name....
Vitor Ramil (born April 7, 1962 in Pelotas) is a musician, singer, composer and writer from southern Brazil. His music is strongly influenced by the culture of his native state of Rio Grande do Sul. .
Vitorino Salomé Vieira or simply put, Vitorino, is a portuguese singer-songwriter born in 1942, at the southern village of Redondo, that belongs to the Portugal's southern province known as Alentejo. Vitorino belonged to the same "golden generation", which contained another great portuguese musicians like José Afonso, Fausto and Sérgio Godinho, recovering the traditional styles and musical cultures of Portugal. His first recording Menina estás à janela in 1975 entered easily in the portuguese colective, making his name known inside his country. Another greatist hits include Queda do Império, in collaboration with singer Filipa Pais, Marcha ingénua and Sul. Belonging to...
Vítor Rua ( b. 1961 ) began his career in the late seventies with a series of interventions that changed the face of Portuguese pop/rock. In 1982, formed with Jorge Lima Barreto the duo Telectu. In 1987, in an act of autodidactic determination, he devoted himself to the study of contemporary musical notation. His work is characterised by a variegated, embryonic post-modernism and an empiricist rejection of cultural confines, and reflects a transition from structured improvisation to strict composition. The multiple intention of his work is therefore an aesthetic and kaleidoscopic propaedeutic about the situationism of post-modern music - a...