Patty Larkin | pl

Patty Pravo (prawdziwe imię i nazwisko Nicoletta Strambelli) - włoska piosenkarka pop urodzona w Wenecji w 1948 roku. W wieku 15 lat opuściła rodzinny dom i zamieszkała w Londynie. Następnie przeprowadziła się do Rzymu. Tam zaczęła pracować jako piosenkarka w klubie nocnym o nazwie Piper Club. W 1966 roku nagrała pierwszą piosenkę Ragazzo Triste ("Smutny chłopak"), która odniosła spory sukces. Debiutancka płyta Patty ukazała się w 1968 roku. Następne lata przyniosły kolejne przebojowe single i udane albumy. Piosenkarka zaczęła też występować w licznych programach rozrywkowych, a w latach 70. miała też swój własny program pt. Bravo Pravo emitowany we francuskiej...
Patty is Patrizia Musolino, italian dance singer during the middle 90s. She recorded hits like "Frozen", "Come Back", "Ray Of Light" and "American Pie". .
Patty Larkin (b. June 19, 1951, Iowa) is a Boston-based singer-songwriter. She trained at the Berklee College of Music before pursuing a solo career in folk music. Her songwriting has been praised for its wit, and her technical guitar playing has also received praise (which she made light fun of in her feminist song, Not Bad for a Broad). In 1990, she joined Christine Lavin, Megan McDonough, and Sally Fingerett to form the Four Bitchin' Babes, with whom she toured and recorded one album. In 2005, Larkin produced La Guitara, a compilation of songs performed by female guitarists designed to...
Ross Hunter and Owen van-Larkins are Hunter Van Larkins. These two gifted young musicians met while studying music at Southbank College in Brisbane and soon afterwards began writing and performing their own unique brand of Celtic, Folk and Spanish flavoured acoustic guitar music. From their early compositions it was clear an extraordinary new talent had arrived on the Australian music scene. -Rob Poland - Candyrat Records .
Znaleziony 9 piosenki, Trwanie: 37:27
Good Thing
Comming up for air
Good Thing (OST Random Hearts)
Tenderness On The Block
Pundits And Poets
Winter Wind
The Cranes
Island of Time