1) Thrash metal project Nitrous masterminded by drag racing champion Lauri Kuriks effectively combines fast, powerful and deafening machines as subject matter with fast, powerful and deafening music. 2) Czech dj .
Gustavo Rangel’s interest in electronic music started when he was 14 years old. EDM was so fascinating; It was new and different for him. He soon tried his hand at producing instantly becoming addicted to it. Being an avid videogame fan he had the idea of using chiptune elements into his tracks. He kept practicing and developing his own sound and 1 year later, at the young age of 15, he won a release competition on Monstercat with his own solo release soon after, becoming the youngest artist signed to the label. .
There is more than one artist called London Underground 1.A side project of STANDARTE's drummer/vocalist Daniele Caputo, this fairly recent Italian trio took their name from the very style of music that was played in the London underground during the late 60's. Caputo is joined by bassist Marco Piaggesi and keyboard player Gianluca Gerlini. Bassist Stefano Gabbani eventually replaced Piagesi and then guitarist Gianni Vergelli also joined in. Their style is similar to STANDARTE albeit much less heavy, and the guitars are used sparingly, leaving room for Gerlini to shine on the Hammond organ, Mellotron and Moog. Their albums feature...
Grupa rapowa, powstała w Ameryce, w Okland w 1987 roku. Reprezentowali interesującą mieszankę muzyki rap, gangsta rap i funk zwaną alternative rap. W skład zespołu wchodzą następujący członkowie: * Shock G * 2Pac * Humpty * Money B * Dj Gold Fingers * The Piano Man * Chopmaster J Z Digital Underground 2Pac nawiązał współpracę dzięki Leili Steinberg, która była przyjaciolka menedżera DU w 1989. Leila zapoznała go liderem zespołu Shockiem G. Gdy Shakur przedstawił raperowi swoje umiejętności, ten bez wahania przyjął go do składu. Zaimponowało mu z jaką energią ten młody człowiek potrafi rapować, zwrócił uwagę na doskonały, ostry...
Like Planetarium, Blue Phantom or Fourth Sensation this was an italian group whose members have remained unknown and that has often been wrongly considered english, their first album having been issued in many european countries. According to an interview with drummer Paolo Siani on the italian Musikbox magazine, the musicians playing on this band's two albums were in fact Nuova Idea, Radio Records (the label on which the first album and singles appeared) being distributed by their label Ariston at the time, but surely the mastermind behind the Underground Set name was composer Gian Piero Reverberi, that also produced many...
Znaleziony 145 piosenki, Trwanie: 10:04:07
Nitro Microphone Underground
Nitro Microphone Underground
Nitro Microphone Underground
Masters Of Ceremony
straight from the underground
S-Word - For Minutes (feat. Deli)
Deli - 拍手喝采REMIX (feat. Big-O & Bigzam)
Irasshai Mase In The Shakou Jou
Nitro Microphone Underground
2 On Tree (3 Jyuu Shit)