Milli Vanilli | pl

Milli Vanilli – to grupa muzyczna założona przez producenta Franka Fariana w Niemczech w 1988 r., w której występowali Fabrice "Fab" Morvan i Robert "Rob" Pilatus. Mistyfikacja związana z zespołem okazała się jedną z największych w historii muzyki rozrywkowej. Debiutancki album grupy All or Nothing osiągnął wielki sukces na arenie międzynarodowej, co uhonorowane zostało nagrodą Grammy dla najlepszego nowego artysty 1990 r. Z tej płyty pochodzi największy przebój grupy Girl You Know, It's True[1]. Jednak jeszcze tego samego roku oświadczenie Franka Fariana, że "wokaliści" Morvan i Pilatus nie uczestniczyli w nagrywaniu płyty, a jedynie występowali w teledyskach, okazało się wielkim...
The Real Milli Vanilli consisted of some of the singers who performed (uncredited) on the Milli Vanilli recordings, along with new members and special guests. The song "Keep On Running" proved to be a hit in several countries, but following singles had less of an impact. .
Brazilian singer and composer is one of the newest in modern Brazilian popular music (MPB). Her charisma and voice impacts with sincere objectivity in her way to "say" a song. With a work that mixes regional rhythms with samples and electronic timbres, Vange is modernizing the Brazilian pop. It’s a music with a strong rhythmic appeal and melodic richness, as mixed as its people. She began her career singing in shows and appearing on records with the recording artists Itamar Assumpção and Zé Kéti - composer of "Mascara Negra" considered the Carnival Anthem. Her first CD "Vange Milliet", produced by...
Born & located in Athens, Greece. Max has been involved in many projects since 2002. Often described as unlabeled, his music explores a quite unique symbiosis of melodic acoustic & electronic sounds, atmospheric soundscapes, set to the backdrop of downtempo rhythms & sprinkled with optimism filtered melancholy. He remains dedicated to the learning-process in order to explore further frontiers of sound design. .