Marty Regan | pl

Martyn Wyndham-Read (born 23 August 1942 in Sussex, England) is an English-born folk singer, notable as a collector and singer of Australian folk songs. He lived and worked in Australia from 1960 to 1967 and has been a regular visitor to the country ever since. In 1960 Wyndham-Read moved from Sussex to Australia where he worked on Emu Springs sheep station in South Australia. It was while he was there that he heard, first-hand, the old songs sung by some of the station hands at Emu Springs and he became captivated by these songs and the need to know more...
Martyna Jakubowicz (urodzona 24 lutego 1955 w Krakowie), polska wokalistka, gitarzystka i kompozytorka. Jej debiut na scenie nastąpił w 1977 w klubie studenckim "Remont" w Warszawie, a już rok później podczas I Jesieni z Bluesem w Białymstoku gdzie wystąpiła z repertuarem Joan Baez. W 1980 wokalistka śpiewała i grała z własnym zespołem Robotnik Sezonowy, a w maju tego roku nagrała muzykę dla programu E-81 (Studio "Gama"). Od początku roku 1981 występowała wraz z Jackiem Krzycholikiem i Cezarym Bierzniewskim. W tym samym roku rozpoczęła koncertować tylko na imprezach bluesowych. Dokładnie rok po poprzednim nagraniu telewizyjnym znów pojawiła się w programie Waltera...
A composer known for the soundtrack to the Lexx (a.k.a. Tales from the Parallel Universe) sci-fi TV series. Born in Montreal Canada and attended McGill University faculty of music. Jammed with Jimi Hendrix, and began career as drummer, keyboardist, recording artist, arranger and producer of pop, rock and r&b music before entering the world of composing for film and TV in late 80s. He toured and/or recorded with Allan Toussaint, Felix Pappilardi, Leslie West, Little Richard, Jimmy Page with Roy Harper, Gospel-rock singer Mylon Lefevre as opening act to The Who (Who's Next tour 1973) well as recorded with Alvin...