Leda Battisti | pl

Lucio Battisti (ur. 5 marca 1943 w Poggio Bustone, prowincja Rieti, region Lacjum) - włoski piosenkarz i śpiewający autor. Lucio Battisti rozpoczął karierę w 1966 i wydał w sumie 18 albumów w ojczystym kraju (w latach 1969-1994). Kilka jego albumów ukazało się ponadto w Hiszpanii, a jeden w Wielkiej Brytanii. Lucio Battisti zyskał rozgłos jako niezwykle skromny artysta – w czasie swej pełnej sukcesów kariery piosenkarskiej występował stosunkowo niewiele, a po 1976 roku zrezygnował w ogóle z publicznych występów i skupił się wyłącznie na pracy studyjnej nagrywając kolejne albumy. Lucio Battisti należał do tych autorów i kompozytorów, którzy wywarli wpływ...
(1998-2006) (2010-present) Soledad Brothers are an American blues punk group from Maumee, Ohio. Consisting of Benjamin Swank on drums, Johnny Walker on guitar and vocals, and Oliver Henry (who was recruited just before the release of their second album) on sax and guitar, they took their name from a trio of convicted felons, George Jackson, Fleeta Drumgo, and John Clutchette who were incarcerated at Soledad Prison and killed by police fire. They are known for their very energetic, loud sound. Their debut self-titled album was engineered by Jack White of The White Stripes, with whom they shared an apartment in...
Surrounded by her father's jazz and blues records in her childhood home of Concepcion, Chile, Soledad Vélez began to play guitar and sing at the age of 13, usually accompanying what was on the turntable. A few years later, she started a short-lived teen rock band with her sister---then moved to Argentina to pursue songwriting before being convinced by musician friends to relocate to Valencia, Spain. There, she sang in a jazz quartet before deciding to concentrate solely and exclusively on her own songs for the first time. In 2010, Vélez released "Four Reasons to Sing", her four-song, home studio-recorded...
1. An Italian singer, whose album Welcome to Joyland (1978) was produced (and, apparently, written) by Peter Baumann, formerly of Tangerine Dream. 2. A Brooklyn-based indie rock band led by former Titus Andronicus guitarist Amy Klein (http://leda.bandcamp.com) .