La Horde | pl

Möngöl Hörde is an English hardcore punk side project of ex-Million Dead frontman and solo singer Frank Turner (under the alias "Renrut") unveiled in 2012 and based in London. Alongside Turner is ex-Million Dead drummer Ben Dawson (alias "Awesome") and The Sleeping Souls guitarist Matt Nasir (alias "Nadir"). The group has released 3 original songs so far: Casual Threats From Weekend Hardmen, How The Communists Ruined Christmas and Tapeworm Uprising, and has played at Reading & Leeds Festival 2012. The band's sound has been compared to seminal hardcore band Refused. .
There are two artists called Evil Horde. 1) Janne Roivainen aka. Evil Horde, EvilHorde or Mutant Kamel website: 2) "Evil Horde" was a Hardcore/Punk band from Munich/Germany, formed in 1988 and split up in 1992. They released one EP ("Mental Paradise", 1990) and one album ("Horse burning down", 1991), and one track on the "How We Drink, Is How We Rock" compilation. See also: Evil Horde on Sub-Bavaria Wiki .
The Golden Horde (1982–1994) were a rock, punk, neo-psychedelic, pop band based in Dublin, Ireland. The most renowned line-up of the band was: Sam Steiger, John Connor, Peter O'Kennedy, Des O' Byrne & Simon Carmody, although at their very first live performance, there were 13 band members on stage. The group disbanded in spring 1994, members going their separate ways, to pursue a variety of personal projects. Even though the band experienced some commercial success, that has always been overshadowed by a cult underground following they retain to the present (see "SoundCloud", YouTube, "BandCamp", Facebook). More significant, has been their...
TERZIJ DE HORDE combine an amalgam of progressive black and doom metal with a rawness and live presence reminiscent of extreme hardcore or chaotic screamo. Terzij de Horde is old Dutch for “set apart from the horde”. It is a line from the poem “Einde” (ending) by legendary Dutch poet Hendrik Marsman. Marsman is an inspiration to the band, as are many other authors and philosophers in the same dark, vitalistic vein. In 2015 Terzij de Horde created a limited edition book, including 14 translated poems of Marsman into English to commemorate the 75th year of Marsman’s passing. It was...
Burial Hordes rozpoczęło działalność w 2001 roku, Za powstanie tego piekielnego tworu odpowiadają Nightspirit i N.e.c.r.o. Ideą było stworzyć Black fucking Metal z nagraniami zarówno w studiu jak i na żywo. Chłopaki czerpali inspiracje z dokonań Bathory, Possessed, Venom oraz wielu innych zacnych band, które podzielały ich styl grania oraz ideologie. W roku powstania banda wydaje demo “Entering the Untrodden Forest”, które rodzi się w warunkach niemal domowych. Rozpoczyna się koncertowanie. Po dwóch latach powstaje kolejne demo “Mors Luminis” (skład: NightSpirit - wokal, N.e.c.r.o - gitary/bass, Psychaos – gitary/bass, Erevos – perkusja) Oba dema zostały wydane na kasacie przez wytwórnię...
Znaleziony 17 piosenki, Trwanie: 02:04:39
La Horde de l'Imminence Grise
Sous La Bannière Obscure
La Disco C'Est Fou
La Nef des Fous
La Fin Des Mondes
[Horde Liquide 002] (1998) Full EP
For the Horde (Lok`tar Ogar!)
Neuvième Silence
La Răscruce... Rajasa!
Déconstruction de la horde freudienne