Koris vs Djule Present K D | pl

Los Angeles canyon-rock quintet the Everpresent Fullness comprised singer/guitarist Tom Carvey, lead guitarist Paul Johnson, bassist Steve Pugh, drummer Terry Hand and multi-instrumentalist Jack Ryan. Formed in 1965, the group fused elements of pop, country-rock and even ragtime, often sharing the stage with kindred spirits like the Buffalo Springfield and the Sir Douglas Quintet; opening slots for the Turtles earned the Everpresent Fullness the attention of White Whale Records, and their debut single "Wild About My Lovin'" followed in 1966. The group reached the apex of their career that summer, beginning work on a full-length LP and opening for Love...
Band: Maz – Vocals Richi – Guitar Frid – Bass Ruven – Drums In June 2007, four kids from the ruhrpott area decided to band together and finally to form The Omnipresent Disease. The first songs were rapidly written and the common denominator has been found soon. Thenceforward the four-piece played raging thrashpunk with old school hardcore elements. The sound has the potential to smash walls and causes consideration. Fast straight forward songs without needless repetitions, but some catchy tunes mustn’t be missing. Mainly the snotty and rough voice is typical for that band, but they don’t avoid to experience...