Jan-Paul van der Meij | pl

"Meiju" (Merja Annele) Suvas (b. 22 January 1959 Helsinki) is Finnish schlager musician. Official Homepage .
Lavinia Meijer is a Dutch harpist. When she was 11 years old, Lavinia was accepted by Erika Waardenburg to study at the Young Talent Department of the Utrecht Conservatory. She graduated cum laude from the Utrecht Conservatory in 2003 and obtained a Masters Degree in Music (also cum laude) in 2005 from the Amsterdam Conservatory. For her masters degree Lavinia studied under, among others, Jana Bouskova, Isabelle Moretti, Daphne Boden, Natalia Shameyva, Emilia Moskvitina, Maria Graf, Skaila Kanga and Susann McDonald. She also took a jazz course from the jazz harpist Park Stickney and lessons on interpretation with Theo Olof...
Johan Fotmeijer (aka Claudia Bonarelli) is a Swedish minimal electronic artist. .
Dutch composer (1954). Studied percussion and composition at the Sweelinck conservatory in Amsterdam. His compositionteacher was Ton de Leeuw who himself was a student of Olivier Messiaen. Meijering mixes pop and classical-modern. Early works more a-tonal, later works more tonal, with minimal influences here and there. http://www.hubiware.nl/chielmeijering.html MySpace http://www.myspace.com/chielmeijering Some of the early works: Mogadon, Ahnung des Endes, La belle dame sans merci. No writing recorderconcertos for Dan Laurin, cd to be released in may 2015 on the BIS label. https://www.facebook.com/chiel.meijering Albums on Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/nl/artist/chiel-meijering/id100363089 .