Hello Taxi | pl

Hello Sleepwalkers is a Japanese rock band from Okinawa signed to A-Sketch and managed by AMUSE. The band consist of Shuntaro (vocals & guitar), Narumi (guitar & vocals), Tasoko (guitar), Makoto (bass) and Yuki (drums). The band debuted on October 5, 2011 with their debut single "センチメンタル症候群" (Sentimental Syndrome). Their debut album "マジルヨル:ネムラナイワクセイ" was released on January 18, 2012. .
Helloween to niemiecki zespół muzyczny grający europejski heavy metal. Historia Helloween rozpoczyna się w 1979 roku, kiedy to Kai Hansen i Piet Sielck grają w zespole "Gentry", w kolejnych latach do zespołu dołączają: Ingo Schwichtenberg (perkusja) oraz Markus Grosskopf (bass), po czym zmieniają oni nazwę zespołu na "IronFist" Kolejną personalną zmianą było odejście po kilku latach wspólnego grania Pieta Sielcka. Zastąpił go Michael Weikath, który opuścił swój wcześniejszy zespół "Powerfool". I właśnie w tym momencie band zmienił nazwę na "HELLOWEEN". W 1984 roku Helloween nagrywa dwie piosenki na kompilację "Death Metal". Są to: "Oernst To Life" autorstwa Weikatha oraz "Metal...
There are several artists known as Taxi: 1 Gibraltar, 2 Portugal, 3 UK, 4 Romania, 5 Bulgaria, 6 Italy, 7 Switzerland, 8 Sweden, 9 Thailand, 10 Australia and 11 Czech Republic. 1. Taxi (Gibraltar) Born from the ashes of Gibraltar based Melon Diesel,Taxi was born in 2004 formed by Dylan Ferro(Vocals),Dani Fa (Guitars) and Danny Bugeja (Guitars). Having sold more than a quarter of a million copies in their musical career, Taxi are currently promoting their new album "MIRANDO ATRAS",a collection of their greatest hits including 2 new songs and a cover version of Gun..s "Better Days" due 9th September....
Hello World is a electro duo from Göteborg, Sweden. Since 2011 they have been making music together as Hello World, by fusing together old school hardware as the gameboy, the nes and old tape recorders with sound design, soundscaping and modern DAWs. .
other than a soundtrack to a movie a great one at that. taxidriver was also the name of a rather good mid to late 80's punk band. formed in 1986 and split in 1990 during their initial years of activity no real recordings were made and so they got back together a decade later to record all their material and released tout efface par le temps and promptly split after the recording. .