Hank Locklin | pl

Thank You was a Baltimore-based No Wave and Post-Punk inspired trio made up of Michael Bouyoucas (vocals,organs, guitars), Jeffrey McGrath (guitars) and Emmanuel Nicolaidis (drums, vocals). Former members include Elke Wardlaw (drums). Thank You have released two full-lengths, World City (Wildfire Wildfire, 2007) and Terrible Two (Thrill Jockey, 2008), and have opened for Battles and Ariel Pink. Their newest album Golden Worry(Thrill Jockey, 2011), was released in January 2011. official Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Thank-You/113187288737316#!/pages/Thank-You/113187288737316?v=info 2. Thai singer under Kamikaze label, tag this as แต๊งกิ้ว http://www.last.fm/music/%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%95%E0%B9%8A%E0%B8%87%E0%B8%81%E0%B8%B4%E0%B9%89%E0%B8%A7 .
SpecialThanks is a punk rock band from Aichi Prefecture, Japan. They are currently signed by KOGA/Groovy Drunker Records. The band is made up of Misaki (vocal & guitar), Sean(guitar & chorus) Nochi (drums), Hiromu (Bass & Chorus). However, it has been announced that group members Sean and Nochi will withdraw from the band at the end of 2011. SpecialThanks publishes songs entirely in English. Misaki stated in an interview with Japanfiles.com: "Since I was a kid, all of my favorite Japanese bands (DONUT MAN, STOMPIN' BIRD) were singing in English, so I thought "Being in a band = singing in...
Hank Jones refers to multiple artists. One was a legendary Jazz pianist, the other a hardcore/punk combo from Pennsylvania. 1. On the Jazz pianist: Henry "Hank" Jones (born July 31, 1918 - died May 16, 2010) was a jazz pianist born in Vicksburg, Mississippi who grew up in Pontiac, Michigan, where he studied piano at an early age and came under the influence of Earl Hines, Fats Waller, Teddy Wilson and Art Tatum. By the age of 13 Jones was performing locally in Michigan and Ohio. While playing with territory bands in Grand Rapids and Lansing he met Lucky Thompson,...
Brathanki - polski zespół muzyczny założony w 1998 roku. Wykonuje muzykę będącą połączeniem folku, popu i rocka. Grupa powstała z inicjatywy Janusza Musa, w jej skład weszli czołowi polscy instrumentaliści, występujący m.in. z Marylą Rodowicz, Renatą Przemyk, Edytą Górniak i Justyną Steczkowską. W 2000 roku ukazała się debiutancka płyta Ano!, na której znalazły się takie przeboje jak "Czerwone korale" czy "Gdzie ten który powie mi". Płyta zbiegła się w czasie z okresem dużego zainteresowania muzyką folkową (rok wcześniej swoje albumy wydali Kayah & Bregovic i Golec uOrkiestra) i odniosła wielki sukces. Łącznie sprzedano ponad 300 tys. egzemplarzy, co dało jej...