Gordian Knot | pl

Slipknot 1) Amerykańska grupa wykonująca muzykę z pogranicza m.in. nu metalu, alternative metalu i heavy metalu. Zespół powstał w 1995 w Des Moines w stanie Iowa w wyniku współpracy perkusistów Shawna Crahana i Andersa Colsefniego. Cechą charakterystyczną grupy jest liczny dziewięcioosobowy skład. Ponadto muzycy występują w zasłaniających twarze maskach. Obecnie w skład wchodzi ośmiu członków z powodu śmierci basisty Paula Graya 24 maja 2010 roku. W 2006 roku grupa otrzymała nagrodę Grammy w kategorii Best Metal Performance za utwór pt. "Before I Forget", a w 2008 roku Slipknot dostał nagrodę Kerrang! Icon. Trzy z czterech oficjalnie wydanych albumów uzyskały status...
There are three artists with the name Knots 1. Knots are a 3 piece Post-Punk Party Band based in Brighton UK. Sometimes minimal, sometimes dissonant, they talk about culture and situations around them, and recycle this back through instruments and voices. For fans of Gang Of Four, Polvo and Wire. 2. Knots is based out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Knots is Neal, and maybe you. http://www.myspace.com/hiknots 3. Knots was NY punk band from early 80's. They released one 7" Heartbreaker b/w Action. Joey Pinter who wrote this song later went on to play with Walter Lure of the Waldos,X Johnny...
KEIT--Vocal/Guitar TOHRU--Bass AKIHIKO--Drum TETSUNARI--Guitar Knotlamp was formed in Fukuoka in the 2000.Was a four-man team and the search for a Vocal began (KEIT was the secondary guitar at the time) and in April 2002 bored of not able to find a vocalist, KEIT becames the main guitar and vocal at the same time. In October of the same year they released the first single called "Mental Age" And in July of the next year they released the next and second single called "NEVER CHANGE" so with this they got more fans and was the beginning of the tours around the...
Michael Knott is a prolific singer/songwriter and frontman for a multitude of bands, many of them Christian. Knott has released some 35 albums, including solo albums and, most familiarly, records with the Christian rock band L.S.U.. Knott's music has not been without controversy in Christian circles, particularly due to profanity in the song "Rocket and a Bomb" (from the self-titled release of his former band Aunt Bettys) and original artwork in that album of Jesus Christ as a bartender. Knott explained some of his views in an interview with HM Magazine, saying "Basically, I'm a human being and I believe...
Znaleziony 171 piosenki, Trwanie: 07:21:26
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z. 597: VI. Chaconne
The Gordian Knot
08. Rivers Dancing
Gordian Knot
The Gordian Knot
The Year Of The Sun
02. Code Anticode
05. Singularity
Gordian Knot
10. Grace (unlisted track)
1998 - Grace
01. Galois
09. Srikara Tal
The World Keeps Spinnin'
We Must Be Doing Somethin' Rig
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z.597: i. Overture
07. Komm Susser Tod, Komm Sel'ge
Megrez (feat. Trey Gunn of King Crimson)
The Year Of The Sun
The Gordian Knot Untied - 1. Overture
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z. 597: I. Overture
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z. 597: VIII. Minuet
The Gordian Knot Untied, VI. Chaconne
Gordian Knot 1998
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z.597: vi. Chaconne
The Gordian Knot Untied, VIII. Minuet
Emergent 2003
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z.597: viii. Minuet
Gordian Knot 1999
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z.597: iv. Air
The Gordian Knot Untied, Z.597: v. Jig
Rivers Dancing
Singing Deep Mountain
The Gordian Knot Untied, I. Overture
Rivers Dancing
Gordian Knot
The Gordian Knot Untied - Air
The Gordian Knot
Code Anticode
Rivers dancing (1999, «Gordian knot»)
Rivers Dancing (1998, Gordian Knot)