Fabulous Diamonds | pl

Diamonds are not the 50's group "The Diamonds" of "Little Darlin'" fame. There are however, several bands that go by this name: 1) Diamonds (Australia/Glasgow) 2) Asher "Diamonds" Gray (USA) 3) Diamonds (Canada) 1) Diamonds are an ex-Australian hard pop/noisy indie three-piece based in Glasgow. Aidan and Sarah packed up their equipment in Adelaide, Australia late 2007. Put it all in a shipping container and set it loose on an over sea voyage to Glasgow. All to play some real, raw and exciting rock music on the other side of the world. Diamonds’ music is a loud and energetic mash...
Diamonds Are Forever is metalcore band from Cluj-Napoca Romania. In the late of September 2011 they merge from two already existing bands and start sharing songs. In November the band joins Global Battle of the Bands Romania and the end up in the competition Finals. By December they released the first EP - 4 song material entitled "Whom shall I fear". Also along the EP the first video was recorded for the song The eyes of blinded sorrow. The release party was a success and was considered the 2'nd best release party of 2011 by Metalhead.ro Awards. Also at the...
Fabulous Trobadors est un groupe de musique toulousain, attaché au quartier Arnaud Bernard et fondé en 1987, ayant développé un style particulier basé sur le folklore occitan et les rythmes du nordeste brésilien. Claude Sicre compose les textes et "rappe", tandis que Ange B. (Jean-Marc Enjalbert à la ville) rappe aussi et joue le human juke-box en produisant de nombreux sons avec la seule aide de sa bouche (beats, scratchs, trompette, guitare, etc). Les textes de certaines de leurs chansons sont écrits en Occitan. Pendant leurs concerts, une bonne partie est en improvisation, sous forme de joutes verbales ou duels...