Clara 3000 | pl

Od svých ctyr let se venovala hre na klavír. Pozdeji následovaly další hudební nástroje – flétna a kytara. Tato záliba ji zustala dodnes, kdy zjištuje, že umet hrát na nejaký nástroj je v dnešní dobe veliké plus. V osmi letech zacíná zpívat, o pár let dosahuje velikých úspechu na hudebním poli. Jako dívka školou povinná zacíná hrát na okolních diskotékách a venuje se latinsko-americkým tancum. Pozdeji prechází na hip hop, break a electric boogie.Ve svých patnácti letech poprvé navšeívila párty v brnenském klubu Dominik. Byl to pro ní velký zlom. Náhodou se seznamuje s místními DJi a z Mersey agency,...
Several artists share the single name "Clara": 1) Clara Finderup Toft Simonsen, A Danish Pop Singer. 2) Clara Louise, a German Pop Singer. 3) Clara Bonfill , A Catalan Singer-Songwriter .
Clara Haskil (January 7, 1895 - December 7, 1960) was an accomplished pianist noted especially for her performances of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Admiration and international fame came late her in life; her career was beset by poor health and the adversities of a world war. She moved to Paris at the age 10, where she started studying with Gabriel Fauré's pupil Joseph Morpain, who she always credited as one of her biggest influences. She then entered the Paris Conservatoire at the age of ten, graduating at age 15 with a Premier Prix. She also graduated with a Premier Prix in...
Clara Smith (c. 1894 - 2 February 1935) was a popular blues singer. Clara Smith was born in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. In her youth she worked on African American theater circuits and tent shows. By the late 1910s she was appearing as a headliner at the Lyric Theater in New Orleans and on the T. O. B. A. circuit. In 1923 she settled in New York City, appearing at cabarets and speakeasies there; that same year she made the first of her commercially successful series of gramophone recordings for Columbia Records, for whom she would continue recording through 1932....