курс Кая | nl

Гражданская Оборона or ГрОб and Г.О. (Grazhdanskaya Oborona or GrOb and G.O.) was one of the earliest and most famous Russian psychedelic punk bands (and the only one famous Soviet psychedelic rock / punk band). The name of the band can be translated from Russian as "Civil Defence" (abbreviated as "grob", which translates to "coffin"). There are also side projects Егор И Опизденевшие (Egor and Opizdenevshie) and Коммунизм (Communism). The band was created in Omsk, Siberia, by a young Soviet poet and musician, Egor Letov, in December of 1984, who was inspired mostly by 60's American garage rock and Russian...
Irina Vitalyevna Ponarovskaya (Russian: Ирина Витальевна Понаровская; born 12 March 1953 in Leningrad) is a Soviet and Russian singer, film actress and sex symbol between the 1980s and the 1990s. Irina Ponarovskaya was born on March 12, 1953 in Leningrad in a family of musicians. Father – Vitaliy Borisovich Ponarovsky, mother – German Russian Nina Nikolayevna Arnoldi. At the age of six, she started playing on the piano. She graduated from music school at the conservatory, where she studied how to play on a harp and on a piano. Since she was 15 years old she had been studied singing...
Курс Кая (Kurs Kaya - russian for “Kai’s course”) was the brainchild of Alex “Step” Minin (L'Ego) and Nickholas Koniwzski (Aesthesys, Crayon Medicine Enclave). They started to collaborate the year before the band's foundation, at first trying to create "the literature of sound" within Nik's Aesthesys project, but during the creative process a new vector claiming its own name arose. The reference point is considered to be the end of May 2010. Курс Кая is disbanded since the beginning of 2012. The band released their only LP at 05 March 2011 - Cola Для Герды. Members: Roman Likane - guitar...
Zoya Nikolayevna Rozhdestvenskaya (Russian: Зоя Николаевна Рождественская; 16 August 1906 — 8 November 1953) was a Soviet singer, a holder of the title of Meritorious Artist of the RSFSR. She was the original performer of the song "Moya Moskva" ("My Moscow") that many years later became the hymn of Moscow. (She was the one who sang on the first recording of the song.) .