Touch Tone Terrorists | nl

This page represents 2 bands: a stoner band and a hardcore/metal band from the H8000-region (old school). Firestone is a stoner band from Örebro, Sweden. They toured as a warm-up band for Dio, Alice Cooper and RATT on their tour through Sweden in early 2000. There are two EPs out to date: Mexicon (2001) and Stonebeliever (2002). They also appeared on the excellent stoner split Fuzzsplit Of The Century (2003) from Fuzzorama Records. They had one song on the stoner collection The Ultimate Fuzzcollection vol. ONE (2004), also from Fuzzorama Records. The song featured on tUFC vol.1 is actually a...
NICO Touches the Walls is a Japanese rock band which consists of vocalist/guitarist Mitsumura Tatsuya (光村龍哉), guitarist Furumura Daisuke (古村大介), bassist Sakakura Shingo (坂倉心悟), and Tsushima Shotaro (対馬祥太郎) on drums. Formed in 2004, NICO Touches the Walls won the LOTTE Prize at the 2004 YAMAHA TEENS’ MUSIC FESTIVAL. They made the indie debut with Senha & Co. and are now signed to Ki/oon Records. .
The Rolling Stones are an English rock group that formed in London in 1962. First popular in Europe, they quickly became successful in North America during the "British Invasion" of the mid-60s. Since then, their worldwide sales are estimated at more than 200 million albums. In 1989, they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and in 2004, they ranked number 4 in Rolling Stone magazine's 100 Greatest Artists of All Time. In 2008, Billboard magazine ranked the Rolling Stones at number ten on "The Billboard Hot 100 Top All-Time Artists", and as the second most successful...
High Tone was formed in the year 1997 in the city of Lyon, France. The idea and leitmotiv of the musicians were to mix the traditional dub music with their others musical influences such as drum'n'bass, hip-hop or Oriental music. They also mixed up the instruments: using turntables and samples as well as the more traditional guitar, drums and bass-guitar. After a few self produced vinyl EPs -Bot Bud Seasons (1997) and Low Tone (1998)- High Tone signed at the label Jarring Effects. From this new collaboration came the first real album of the band -Opus Incertum (2000)- available both...