Баста feat Диана Арбенина | ms

Basta was born in 1980 in Rostov, in a military family. In addition to secondary school, he studied in the musical. In 15 years, first tried to write rap, gathered his group. Admitted to the College of conducting department. But, after finishing the first course, left as it became clear that the scope of his interests lay far from the instituted programs. The most vital and attractive for the strikers has become hip-hop. Then it was Wu-tanc clan, Ol'dirty Bastard, Busta Rhymes and hip-hop star at the time. In 16-17 years Basta listened to a lot of different music, he...
There are two artists that have used the name Memphis May Fire: 1) A rock band from Dallas, Texas. 2) A heavy metal band from Baltimore, Maryland. Memphis May Fire is an American metalcore band currently based in Dallas, Texas. Since its formation, the band has released two EPs and four full-length albums, the latest being Unconditional which was released March 2014. Their music has been compared to Underoath and He Is Legend. The band formed in December 2006, but it was not until February 2007 that the group decided on the name Memphis May Fire having previously gone by...
Родена на 11.11.1974 година в град Видин.Израснала в град Видин където и до ден днешен живеят нейните родители и по-малкия и брат,въобще цялата и фамилия.На 12 годишна възраст заминава за град Русе където започва да учи в музикалната школа по пеене.След две години започва и да работи като певица,и има изяви на фестивали за млади таланти,на които печели многобройни награди.След завършване на средното си образование Диана заминава за град София където започва да взима частни уроци по пеене при доцент Ангел Заберски и по солфеж при покойната вече Зорница Попова.В предаването "Хит минус едно" по Националната Телевизия на България печели...