Tomi Lebrero | ms

There are three artists going under the name of 'Hitomi': 1) hitomi (古谷仁美 Furuya Hitomi), born January 26, 1976, is a Japanese singer, songwriter, record label owner and executive. In addition to having consistently been one of the most popular and successful musicians in Japan since her debut in 1994, hitomi is also acknowledged as one of the most influential figures in Japanese pop culture. Along with Utada Hikaru and Hamasaki Ayumi, hitomi has helped redefine and evolve the female Japanese pop singer, in the words of the writer Jay Rubin, "from a mere voice accompanied by music, to a...
Atomic Aggressor is a Chilean death thrash metal band formed in 1985 in Santiago, Chile. In 1989 they released their first demo, Bloody Ceremonial. In 1990 they recorded a promo cassette and sent it to various fanzines and labels. They were unsuccessful in getting signed, and after releasing another demo in 1991 titled "Resurrected" they split up. In 2008 the band reformed and recorded a new demo, which was released on Hell's Headbangers with their other two demos. .
Atomic 7 is a Canadian instrumental rock trio formed in 1998, led by its only constant member, former Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet guitarist Brian Connelly. While Shadowy Men occasionally used vocals, Atomic 7's music is completely instrumental. The band doesn't even use vocal microphones on stage. .