The Tourists | ms

hc/punk band from neumuenster/germany .
The Tourists (1977 - 1980) were a moderately successful British pop band, but are better known for two of their members (Annie Lennox & Dave Stewart) who went on to achieve superstardom as Eurythmics. .
Bloody Tourists formed on the eve on 2005 and since then have won 'artist of the month' on littlebazzar and have topped the world chart on extraplay. The band's rough, spiky punk-pop bears all the abrasiveness of Pere Ubu's classic "Modern Dance" period and is delivered with a skeletal rawness, both shamelessly simple and feverishly provocative The band's outstanding lyrics are voyeuristic observations, comfortably set in the depths of personal depravity, stories about drug dealers, hookers, domestic violence and cheap thrills. Bloody Tourists, much like those original punk bands, steer well clear of any quick-fix punk-by-numbers template currently in vogue...
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The Tourist
The Tourist
The Tourists (album 1979)
The tourist
Talk To Me
I Only Want to Be With You
My Baby Just Cares For Me
Week Days
Walls and Foundations
The Tourist
Circular Fever
Summers Night
Just Like You
Talk To Me
The Tourists
Week Days
Time Drags So Slow
Round Round Blues
Talk To Me
03. Week Days
Walls And Foundations
Ballad Of Roses
Walls and Foundations
Round Round Blues
The Golden Lamp
Time Drags So Slow
01. Walls And Foundations
Blind Among The Flowers
The Loneliest Man in the World
Useless Duration Of Time
Week Days
The Tourist
Can't Stop Laughing
Talk To Me
One Step Nearer The Edge
2010 The Tourist
Angels and Demons
The Tourist
Loneliest Man In The World
The Tourists Have Lost Their Minds
Do Not Feed The Tourists
In My Mind (There's Sorrow)
Let's Watch the Tourists
Don't Say I Told You So
Amor mio (No Volvere) - Gipsy King / The Tourist M
Round Round Blues
11. I'm Going To Change My Mind
Let's Take A Walk
I'm Going To Change My Mind