Silvio Ferraz | ms

There are at least three groups/artists called Silvio 1)One of them is a Finnish indie-rock band, consisting of five members: Ilmari Pohjola (singer), Jyrki Väisänen (guitar), Juhani Ahola (guitar), Verneri Pohjola (drums, rhodes), Antti Lötjönen (bass). 2)The other artist is Silvio Di Taranto, a solo electronic artist who is currently making his first song, it's still referred to as "Beta". His mixes have fallen in taste with electrolovers. His mixes go from electro to techno and dance (and all it's subcategories), occasionnaly some other genres too (Rock, ...). Some of his mixes can be found online. "Beta" has no set...
Silvio Rodríguez Domínguez (born November 29, 1946 in San Antonio de los Baños, La Habana, Cuba) is a Cuban musician, and a leader of the nueva trova movement. He is known for his highly eloquent and symbolic lyrics. Many of his songs have become classics in Latin American music, such as Ojalá, Playa Girón and La maza. Rodríguez is well known for socially critical yet ambiguous lyrics, which have raised the suspicions of both the Cuban government and Cuban-American groups on various occasions. .
Sílvio Antônio Narciso de Figueiredo Caldas (Rio de Janeiro, 23 de maio de 1908 — Atibaia, 3 de fevereiro de 1998) foi um cantor e compositor brasileiro. Seu primeiro sucesso foi o samba de Ari Barroso intitulado Faceira (1931). Desde então, consagrou-se como um dos maiores cantores brasileiros. Chão de estrelas (1937), em parceria com Orestes Barbosa, foi um de seus maiores êxitos. Dono de timbre inconfundível, que lhe valeu a fama de grande seresteiro, é conhecido também por alcunhas carinhosas, como Caboclinho querido, A voz morena da cidade ou Titio. .