Painting The Massacre | ms

Houston TX based abstract, intricate blackened death metal with roots deriving from early melodic black metal beginnings and changing directions entirely shortly thereafter. Commonly tagged as "abstract, technical death metal"and referred to by some as the U.S. answer to Canadian death metal band Gorguts, Crimson Massacre keeps evolving with each release and with seperation/inclusion of rotating band members. Luster of Pandemonium saw Crimson Massacre at the threshhold of entering new territory for the band, both melodically and structurally. The untitled follow up full length sees Crimson Massacre exploring wider stylistic possibilities and evolving further with compositional approach into a more... .
Radio Massacre International comprises Steve Dinsdale (Keyboards, Electronics, Drums) Duncan Goddard (Keyboards, Electronics, Bass) and Gary Houghton (Guitar, Keyboards). Since 1993 they have been building a catalogue of epic electronic improvisations, distilled into permanent records by the wonders of digital editing. After accumulating a library of 30 such pieces they finally released the double CD Frozen North in late 1995, and appeared live for the first time at the Emma festival in Sheffield. The band was also featured on the BBC's World Service, thus finding a truly international radio audience for the first time. RMI had a website long before...
So.. I think it's time for us to return after being apart for 4 years. With that being said, we're all back and ready to get back into the game. It's been awhile guys, and we look forward to upcoming events! expect new material, recording updates and gigs in the near future. bandcamp | facebook | myspace Hometown: North East, England Genre: Melodic | Death Metal | Symphonic | Black Metal Founded: 2009 Band Jonny Carroll Andy Mallaby Kieran Platts Lewis Walmsley Jon Simpson .