Orkestra Obsolete | ms

Orkestrated is an electro duo consisting of Dean Paps and Adam Bartas (real names; Dean Papoulis, Adam Bartolotta respectively) from Melbourne Australia. They frequently dj at venues such as Two Floors Up in Melbourne. .
Steven Tang / Tang / Obsolete Music Technology / Misguided / Monomer__A Hong Kong native living in Chicago since '81 whose humble beginnings in electronic music grew exponentially with the discovery of house music a music going through its own infancy at the time. Spending many weekends recording mixes off the airwaves, shopping for the latest cuts of the day at stores such as Imports Etc. and Loop Records. As his record collection expanded so did his interest in djing, owning his first pair of decks in '88 to learn the 'craft'. In the 90's Tang studied Radio Broadcasting at...
Lorelle Meets the Obsolete is a psych band from Guadalajara, Mexico. Their debut, On Welfare, was released on May 24th of 2011 via Captcha Records… Members: Lorelle: vocals, electric guitar & electric bass. The Obsolete: drums & percussion, electric bass, vocals, casiotone, electric & acoustic guitars. Live guests: Hugo Quezada: bass. Carlos González: drums. .