Margarita Henriquez | ms

Margarita Vilcāne (dzimusi 1940. gada 16. decembrī Tomskā, Krievijas PFSR) ir populāra latviešu dziedātāja. Lielākos panākumus guvusi 20. gadsimta 60. un 70. gados, izpildot Raimonda Paula komponētās dziesmas. Margaritas Vilcānes izpildītās dziesmas divas reizes uzvarējušas Mikrofona dziesmu aptaujā: * 1970 - "Baltā saule", * 1971 - "Teic, kur zeme tā" (kopā ar Noru Bumbieri, Ojāru Grīnbergu un Viktoru Lapčenoku) .
Margarita Pracatan is a Cuban novelty singer, who found success in the 1990s when Clive James had her perform live on his TV show on numerous occasions. Radio DJ Martin Kelner also played her frequently on his BBC Night Network and BBC Radio 2 programmes. According to her website, Clive James discovered her Manhattan Public Access program and invited her to the UK to appear on his show. He sweet-talked her into believing he was serious, and she signed up. Not once on the show did he make it overt that he knew what he was doing, but his introductions...