Judi Bari | ms

Six bands known under the name Barbarian: 1. Speed/Thrash/Black Metal from Florence, Italy. Formed in 2009, the band released a self-titled demo and full length album as a tribute to the old times when bands such as Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Bathory, and Venom emerged. 2. Thrash metal band from Spain. The guitarist and vocalist Pep Casas is an old member of the mythical thrash metal band Fuck Off. They play old school thrash metal and released a live cd called 'Seguimos avanzando' that contains some old themes from Fuck Off. They also released a studio album called 'Heavy metal resureccion'....
The Barbarian Pipe Band originates from Bugella Civitas (present-day Biella-Piemonte, Italy). The band is made up of three bagpipers and two drummers; their repertoire ranges from traditional Portugese, French, Scottish, German, Breton, and Piedmontoiss pieces to songs of their own creation. .
Tchê Barbaridade is a brazilian tchê music band from Rio Grande do Sul. The band was formed in 1987, in Porto Alegre city. .