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There are at least 2 artists named Dirt.

1) DIRT (Death Is Reality Today) were an anarcho-punk band from the UK. Initially forming in 1980, the band frequently played with fellow anarchists Crass, before releasing their first EP, "Object, Refuse, Reject, Abuse" on the Crass Records label. Their second release, Never Mind DIRT, Here's the Bollocks, also on the Crass label, was a live LP released in 1982.

Singer Gxist (Gary) later formed Stratford Mercenaries with Steve Ignorant of Crass.

2) Dirt is a rapper from Syracuse. He is best known for his appearances in Grind Time battles from the NY Division, Upstate NY Division and more. He has one release, which is "The Devil's Music Mixtape".

3) Dirt were an Atlanta post-hardcore/noise rock band from the early 90's. They released two records, one in 1990, 'Drill the Minx' and then their last one, 'Sahara of the Bozart' in 1992. Members split into bands like Mount Shasta and Rock *A* Teens. .

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