יפה ירקוני | ja

Eifo HaYeled? - "Where is the kid?" is an influential Israeli rock band formed in 1986, disbanded in 1998 and reunited again in 2008. The band formed in 1986 at Kibbutz Givat Brenner, when its first members were Hemi Rudner, a kibbutz native and Assaf Sharig, a native of Kibbutz Beit HaShita and son of Yossef Sharig, along with guitarist Yuval Tzemach and drummer Omer Dagani. 16-year-old Dagani was constantly late for band rehearsals and this was the reason for the band name, which asked every time Dagani didn't show up the question "Where is the kid?". This story was...
Yafa Yarkoni (born Yafa Abramov, 24 December 1925 - 1 January 2012) was an Israeli singer, known as the "War Singer" due to her frequent appearances in front of Israel Defense Forces soldiers, especially during Israel's wars. Yarkoni was born in Giv'at Rambam (today a neighbourhood of Giv'atayim) to a Jewish family that immigrated from the Caucasus. When she was 10 years old, she learned ballet dancing under Gertrude Kraus, one of Israel's choreography pioneers. During the 1940s, her mother ran a café in Givat Rambam, where Yafa, with her sister Tikva and her brother Binyamin, formed an entertainment group...