Václav Neckář | ja

Václav Neckář (23. října 1943 Praha) je oblíbený český popový zpěvák a herec. V letech 1968 až 1970 byl společně s Martou Kubišovou a Helenou Vondráčkovou členem pěvecké skupiny Golden Kids. Jako herec se proslavil především rolí ve filmu Jiřího Menzela Ostře sledované vlaky na motivy stejnojmenné novely Bohumila Hrabala, ale hrál i hlavní role ve filmech Skřivánci na niti a pohádce Šíleně smutná princezna. Nazpíval písničky k filmům, např. Jak básníci přicházejí o iluze, Jak utopit doktora Mráčka nebo Páni kluci. Od 70.let natáčí a koncertuje se skupinou Bacily, kterou řídí jeho bratr Jan Neckář. K jeho dvorním autorům...
Václav Nelhýbel (September 24, 1919 – March 22, 1996) was a Czech-American composer, mainly of works for student performers. He is considered one of the most prolific composers of the 20th century. He was born the youngest of five children in Polanka, Czechoslovakia. He received his early musical training in Prague, going to both Charles University in Prague and Prague Conservatory. In 1942 he went to Switzerland, where he studied at University of Fribourg; after 1947 he taught there. In 1957 he came to the United States, where he taught at several schools, including the University of Massachusetts Lowell. He...
Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek (1791, Vam,berk, Czechia - 1825, Vienna, Austria), was a Czech composer of classicist era, but his compositions move in special way to the early romantism. Although Voříšek died young, he bequethed noteworhy works, predominantly his his greatest works: the Impromptus op. 7, the Sonata for Piano and Violin op. 5, the Symphony in D major and the Piano Sonata in B minor op. 20. .
Václav Smetáček (30 September 1906 - 18 February 1986) was a Czech conductor, composer, and oboist. He studied in Prague among others with Jaroslav Křička, conducting with Metod Doležil and Pavel Dědeček, musicology, aesthetics, and philosophy at Charles University. He was the founder and member of the Prague Wind Quintet (1928), with whom he performed, composed and arranged compositions for it. From 1930 to 1933, he was a member of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, and from 1934 to 1943, he worked on Czech Radio as conductor and editor. From 1945, he worked as a pedagogue at the Prague Conservatory and...
Vladimír Václavek is a Czech songwriter, instrumentalist (bass guitarist, guitarist) and singer of alternative and experimental rock. He was the member of underground bands Dunaj and E (Éčka), accompanied Iva Bittová in the ninetees and went on a solo career in 2003 with Písně nepísně ("Songs Non-songs"). Most important records: Dunaj -- Rosol (Pavian 1991) Dunaj -- Dudlay (Bonton 1993) Dunaj -- IV. (Rachot 1994) Vladimír Václavek -- Jsem hlína, jsem strom, jsem stroj (Indies 1994) Dunaj -- Pustit musíš (Rachot 1995) Dunaj -- La la lai (Rachot 1996) Bittová & Václavek -- Bílé inferno (Indies 1997) Deep Sweden --...