The Tape | ja

THE BLANK TAPES is the moniker of Los Angeles & San Francisco based musician & artist, Matt Adams, who has produced over 10 albums of 1960's psychedelic-surf-pop-folk-rock on an old 8 track cassette tape recorder in various garages, basements, sheds & bedrooms across the California Coast. Matt is also the artist behind his band's posters & album covers, and along with his band mates, Pearl, DA, & Will, they've toured throughout America, Brazil, Europe, & Japan. They just released a 7" with 20-Sided Records and a few new cassette tapes with Burger Records, Curly Cassettes & Dome of Doom. They...
The Andersen Tapes is the fabulous return of Amanda Aldervall (Free Loan Investments, The Busy Band) after a couple of years of silence. These three songs by The Andersen Tapes are nothing but excellently arranged and utterly beautiful pop songs with Amanda’s ace vocals on top. It’s that kind of pop that has previously melted pop hearts around the globe under names such as The Aislers Set, The Motifs, The Softies... .
This hairy pink-skinned duo from Madrid formed around 2004 and are a mixture of RJD2 trying to sing Daft Punk songs and the greasiest The Residents stuff. Too pop to be noise and too noise to be yummy. Keyboards and drums mixed with a vocoder. They have played with many bands in many places and now are planning their tour through Japan. .