The Dils | ja

One of the all time great American punk rock bands, The Dils, originally from Carlsbad, California, were formed by brothers Chip Kinman and Tony Kinman in the late 1970's. Their first appearance was as the first act in the "battle of the bands" sequence in Cheech and Chong's film, "Up In Smoke" (although the only shot of any band members is of drummer Buddy Hate complaining that he could not hear anything without stage monitors). Soon after forming in 1977 the band relocated to San Francisco and then Los Angeles, becoming one of the major bands in the early LA...
A scatterbrained and perhaps drunken recording entity based on the collective talents of guitarist Joachim Pimento, fuzz guitarist/keyboardist Zoe Zettner, fuzz guitarist/vocalist Lord Sulaco, fuzz guitarist/percussionist Daiquiri J. Wright, fuzz guitarist Franklin Silverheels, and bassist Smoky Alvaro (yes, they apparently liked the sound of a fuzz guitar), the Honolulu Mountain Daffodils gathered occasionally throughout the late '80s and early '90s to patch together records that threw almost anything imaginable into a blender (from Kraftwerk to Tom Waits to the Ramones to Black Sabbath to Neu! and all points between). The ill-rehearsed results were always uneven, but a fun time was...
ニュー・ファスト・オートマティック・ダッフォディルズ(New Fast Automatic Daffodils)は、イギリスのオルタナティブ・ロックバンド。 1988年、マンチェスター・メトロポリタン大学の学生が集まり活動をスタート。80年代後半のマッドチェスター・シーンの流れに乗ったインディ・ダンス・サウンドが高評価を受け、90年に発表したデビュー・アルバム『Pigeonhole』はUKチャートの50位以内にランクインする。 91年にはNME主催のインディ・バンド・フェスティバルに参加し、92年に2ndアルバム『Body Exit Mind』をリリース(UKチャート57位)。94年にバンド名を短くし「New FADS」と名乗ったが、3rdアルバム『Love It All』をリリースする前の95年にバンドは解散。現在、メンバーはミュージシャンのサポートや音楽教師として活動している。 .
見つかりました 109 曲, デュレーション: 03:47:50
Mr Big
Tell Her You Love Her
8 Red Rockers
Mr. Big
12 Modern Don Juan
Yamiyo wo Kakeru Kuro Neko
Tell Me What I Want to Hear
5 Mr. Big
B7 Blow Up
Колыбельная Утау.
Class War
Love House
New Kicks
National Guard
Angel Cradle [OST Shugo Chara]
Red Rockers
It's Not Worth It
Before The Law
Angel Cradle (чара хранители)
King's Chair
Konpeki no Yoru
Blow Up
Happy Family
Modern Don Juan
Red Rockers
Kairi, Yureru Kokoro
Kokoro, Okufukaku
Yasashii Hoshizora
Some Things Never Change
Kuro Neko no Serenade (Shugo Chara)
Mr. Big
Waratte, Rima
Tojite Shimatta Tobira
11 Gimme A Break
High Speed Action
Christmas no Machi
Blow Up
2 Blow Up
It's Not Worth It