Siren Circus | ja

1 2010年夏に結成。プラチナムプロダクションに所属している。略称は「サイサイ」。 メンバーの山内あいなは、ジュニアアイドル出身の山内愛菜である。定期的にライブ活動を行っており、その際はサポートギターのみっちーが参加する。 2012年2月8日、インディーズデビュー。2枚のミニアルバムをリリース。 2012年11月14日、メジャーデビューを果たす。 メンバー すぅ(吉田菫):ボーカル&ギター ひなんちゅ(梅村妃奈子):ドラム あいにゃん(山内あいな):ベース ゆかるん(黒坂優香子):キーボード 2012年9月13日加入 元メンバー やな(寒川綾奈):シンセサイザー 2012年7月31日卒業 2 .
There are several bands called Circus. 1. Personnel: CHRIS BURROWS drums MEL COLLINS sax PHILIP GOODHAND-TAIT keyboads IAN JELFS guitar, vocals KIRK RIDDLE bas ALAN BUNN drums This band were first called The Stormeville Shakers. Their rare progressive album is now of minor interest to collectors. Mel Collins was later in King Crimson and Kokomo. Philip Goodhand-Tait had earlier recorded three 45s for Parlophone and after his spell with Circus he went on to record several solo albums. Chris Burrows had earlier played with Ray Anton and The Proform, and later had some involvement with Spirit Of John Morgan and...
2009年にフロリダ州で結成されたポストハードコアバンド。Kellin Quinnの中性的なハイトーンボーカルが特徴的である。 早くもバンド結成の翌年にRise Recordsと契約し、1stアルバムのWith Ears to See and Eyes toをリリースした。 2011年に2ndアルバムのLet's Cheers to Thisを、2013年に3rdアルバムのFeelをそれぞれリリースしている。 .
1) Sirens are Newcastle Upon Tyne based R&B, pop and hip-hop girl band, known best for their Top 50 single, “Baby (Off the Wall)”. They have released three albums so far ("Control Freaks", "Say Goodbye to LA LA Land", "#3 : Opium Apathy"). 2) From Bath in the UK, Sirens are an alternative/hardcore band formed by Theo Saunders and Jack Mumford-Turner. Their most recent release was the 5-track EP 'The Last Six Years' from June 2015 which followed 2013's 'We've Still Got Mountains Left To Climb'. 3) Rooted in progressive metal, drum and bass, and ambient soundscape, Sirens...
Babylon Circus is a ten piece ska and reggae group founded in 1995 in Lyon, France. Since forming, they have released four full - length albums and one EP. They have played over 1000 shows throughout Europe, and have toured as far as Syria and Australia. The band began as a ska group but quickly transcended the genre, mixing punk, reggae, rock, swing and jazz influences. They sing in both French and English, sometimes mixing the two in songs. Their third album, Dances of Resistance, was recorded in 2003 and largely has an anti-war theme. In 2009 they launched their...