Sektor 7 | ja

Eine Mischung aus emotionalem Gesang und Shoutings, brachialen Gitarrenriffs und eingängigen Melodien, einer Rhythmusfraktion die ihresgleichen sucht und einem DJ der den Begriff abwechslungsreiches Songwriting neu definiert� Begeistertes Publikum auf rund 70 Konzerten und Veranstaltungen verschiedenster Größenordnungen. Unter anderem auch als Support von Such A Surge, Emil Bulls oder Dog Eat Dog und H-Blockx� Präsenz in TV und Rundfunk, erfolgreiche Teilnahmen an nationalen und internationalen Wettbewerben sowie Cd-Produktionen - SEKTOR 7 verfolgen ihren Weg enthusiastisch und konsequent. Der Sektor brennt�am besten live! Kompromisslos! .
There is more than one artist with this name: 1. Drum 'n bass producer / dj from Holland 2. IDM, Electronica and Experimental music producer from Bulgaria 3. A hardcore/metalcore pioneer from Belgium 4. A black metal band hailing from the Northern Winds of Canada. 5. A vegan straight edge metalcore band from the H8000 scene. 1. Sektor has been one of Holland's leading drum&bass dj's and party organisors since 2002, organising some of the biggest drum&bass events in the country and scoring several nominations at the Dutch D&B Awards over the years. In 2013 his bootleg remix of Mr...
Treha Sektori is the dark ambient musical project of French musician and visual artist Dan Sora, aka Dehn Sora, also behind the black metal project Throane. Though the date of formation is unknown, the project's first album 'Sorieh' was released in 2009. Since then, Treha Sektori has released two further full-length albums as well as a range of collaborative and experimental efforts including the live album 'Acermeh' in 2016, as well as collaborations with Amenra, [artists]Oathbreaker and others. The first creation of the musician came out in 2009 and was called "Sorieh". Opus released by Parisian label Kaosthetik Konspiration, established...