Sabrina Weeks Swing Cat Bounce | ja

Blu-Swing are... Yusuke Nakamura / Keyboard,Composition,programing&DJ Shinji Hasuike / Electric&Wood Bass Show Kojima / Electric&Acoustic Guitar Yu-ri Tanaka / Vocal Tomoaki Miyamoto / Drums 2004年、Blu-Swing結成。都内を中心に精力的にLive活動を展開。 2005年、Shede 1st album「devotion」参加。 2006年、Shade 2nd album「Forward:er」参加。同年ブルーノート出演。 2007年、MC Shadeとの共同名義でリリースした「JAZZYSTER」が大きな話題となる。 2008年、「ViVi presents HOLIDAY STYLE」に楽曲提供。Scott Jacoby「After」やJiltySoul「Traffic Jamz」のリミキサーとしての参加。 又同年、オリジナル作品としてHMV限定発売Mini Album 「SUM」、1st album「REVISION」リリース。ゲストミュージシャンとして“Cooly’s Hot Box”のAngela Johnsonや“Jilty Soul”のShadeを迎えHIP HOP/JAZZ/LATIN/CROSSOVERとジャンルの垣根を飛び越えた上質なサウンドが完成。HMVクラブチャート1位を獲得。 透明感のある歌、斬新なピアノ、重くそして軽やかなウッドベースに哀愁漂うアコースティックギター。今最も動向が注目されているバンドである。 .
Bounce is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and a book by John Weidman. It tells the story of Addison Mizner and his brother Wilson Mizner's adventures across America from the beginning of the 20th century during the Alaskan Gold rush to the Florida real estate boom in the 1930s. After a 1999 workshop in New York City, the musical was produced in Chicago and Washington, D.C. in 2003 under the title Bounce, but it did not achieve much success. A revised version of the musical premiered Off-Broadway in New York in October 2008. .
Sabrina Carpenter (born May 11, 1999 to Elizabeth and David Carpenter) is an American singer and actress from East Greenville, Pennsylvania, USA. Sabrina began dancing at age two and not long after found her unique singing voice. She began vocal training at the age of seven and continues to develop and train her voice as well as learning to play guitar. ​ Sabrina has released her first full-length album Eyes Wide Open was released on 14th April, 2015. Sabrina has been signed to Hollywood Records since 2012. Sabrina has also had many starring roles in both TV and in cinema,...
Two veterans of the viennese electronic music scene met and joined forces to form King Electric (formerly known as the Sultans of Swing). One of them, Chris Isepp, was publisher of the "trailblazing graphic art/techno magazine "Envelope" (MTV, 1994) in the mid/late-90s, the other, Peter Hartwig, was member of the viennese electronic music pioneers "Bask". As the Sultans of Swing the guys have already shown in recent years their feeling for catchy tunes with hits such as "Summerbreeze" or "The way you feel inside", which were ranked in radio- and club charts worldwide. Following the unexpected death of the Sultans...
The retro-swing unit Indigo Swing were formed in San Francisco around the sextet of vocalist Johnny Boyd, guitarist Josh Workman, bassist Vance Ehlers, drummer "Big Jim" Overton, pianist William Beatty and saxophone player Baron Shul. After kick-starting northern California's new school of swing, the group began touring around America and signed to Time Bomb Recordings in 1997. The group's debut All Aboard! was released in July 1998. They followed with Red Light in 1999. .