Remna Schwarz | ja

Dutch act Schwarzblut offers music with a deep and diverse range. From the pillars of pounding EBM/industrial to lush orchestral arrangements, with traces of Qntal, VNV Nation and Skinny Puppy. Schwarzblut reminds us that music and poetry are always united, and that union is amplified by their blend of romantic melancholic Weimar poetry with danceable dark electronic music. Schwarzblut also brings vocal diversity, accentuated by their male and female singers. Schwarzblut take the listener to the far corners of the human soul by mixing pounding electro rhythms, harmonic choirs, distorted vocals, cutting leads, grandiloquent orchestras, dark romanticism and German lyrical...
Let's just pause for one second; now, think about all that music that has so enriched your life down the years. All of it, without fault, and regardless of any strict genre definitions, is soul music. If it flicks a switch deep inside you, speaks to you, comforts you and makes you feel good about yourself, then that, my friend, is soul music. German DJ and producer Henrik Schwarz understands this musical truth more than most.A long-time aficionado of those musical forms that are commonly rooted in some appreciation of this sonic legacy - funk, house, disco, jazz, techno, and...
There are at least 2 bands with the name The Remnant. One "The Remnant" is the name Becoming the Archetype had before they we signed to Solid State Records. They released one CD under the name The Remnant in 2004 which was a 9 track self-titled demo. Another "The Remnant" is a hip-hop outfit that used to be known as Remnant Militia in the late 90's. They have a 2004 release called Anthem of a Life. .