Raven Strain | ja

Ravenface are a Heavy Metal Band from Northern England. In early 2007, founded by James Denton (Vocals) and then being joined by Dom Rodriguez (Drums) and Billy Dowdall (Bass), Ravenface was formed. After getting a loyal following in their region, they expanded to gigs throughout the UK. The summer of 2007 saw the release of the first Ravenface EP 'Isolation'. In late 2008, the band recruited William "Rod" Collins who went on to play lead guitar in 2009 with Jack Ormound-Prout joining the band on rhythm guitar and completing the line up to present day. Their debut album 'This is...
2013年に結成されたスペインのプログレッシヴメタルコアバンド。 楽器パートを全てAviが担当し、ボーカルをNelsonが務める2人バンドである。 Within The Ruinsのようなプログレッシヴサウンドを特徴とする。 2013年に1stアルバムのThe Raven Autarchyを自主リリースした。 .
RESTRAINT is not just your average heavy music band, they are the living proof of what today defined as "the real deal". Not only from the music and the messages, but their endless energetic live performances inspired many fans and supporters. Bringing back the raw and pure hardcore spirits, from the famous circle pits, finger pointings, sing-a-long, stage dives to kickboxing, 2 steps and such - all are includes in their agenda. For us, hardcore is about spreading and sharing the positive ideas, and this is what the band always stand for all these years, past, present and years to...
Contravene was a crust punk band from the U.S., formed in Phoenix, Arizona in 1999. Often described as "peace punk," "anarcho-punk" or "crust," the band had a strong anarchist message of human rights, animal rights, and primitivism. Their sound was characterized by dual-sex vocalists, incorporating elements of heavy metal and folk music. Contravene disbanded in 2006. .
Atmospheric black metal from Canada, their members were: Pazuzu (Raymond Wells) - guitar, bass, programming, vocals Engelmacher (Armand Hortolomei) - programming, vocals Session musicians: Mike Groeger - drums (plays in Hollenthon) They have released 2 CDs and a demo: - Demo (1997) - Malice in Wonderland (1998) - Endless Conflict Theorem (2002) As of 2003, the band has split up and are no longer making albums. .
見つかりました 18 曲, デュレーション: 03:07:09
Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk
Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk
Super Street 12 - Untitled
Why Is a Raven Like a Writing
06. Why Is A Raven Like A Writing Desk
The Hollowed Out - A
The Hollowed Out - B
a1 / Live & In Debt
the hollowed out (Side B)
the hollowed out (Side A)