Raf van Brussel | ja

Herman Brusselmans (born 9 October 1957 in Hamme, Belgium) is a Flemish novelist, poet, playwright and columnist. Apart from playing the drums his musical career, and most tracks found scrobbled on last.fm are limited to tracks originating from one cd called 'Val Dood' (literal translation, 'Drop Dead') this cd contains a collection of radio columns read by the author himself. .
Brüssel Kaupallinen plays aggressive finnish rock. They are from Oulu, Finland. Band was formed 1989, split up 1997 and reformed 2004. The latest studio album, "Minä olen vihattu" (I am Loathed, 9.2.2011) is produced by Hiili Hiilesmaa and released by Stop the Building. The album takes a step to more metallic and clarified soundsphere. Five whole tracks can be listened at their Facebook page or with cover art at Stop the Building's YouTube Channel. Previous studio album “Musta polku” (Black Path, 2009) is groovy and kinky alternative rock / metal. Album was produced by Hiili Hiilesmaa. "Musta polku" was released...