Marble Sky | ja

The Canadian trio hails from Hamilton, Ontario and consists of Brad Germain (vocals, guitar), Ryan Tweedle(bass, vocals), and Adam Knickle (drums). After a great deal of success and airplay following their first independent self titled release, the trio hit the road on an international tour. Their second studio album was released in Canada in August of 2006 and is entitled [i/]Watch Your Candles, Watch Your Knives[i/] .
1968年、ロンドンで結成。 ポップデュオとして活動し、シングル「Only One Woman」が全英5位、「The Walls Fell Down」が全英26位、オランダで3位とヒットするが、1969年には解散。 メンバーの内、トレヴァー・ゴードンは音楽の道を諦めて歌手を引退、2013年に死去。 一方グラハム・ボネットはRAINBOWに加入し、柔弱なポップスでは生かし切れなかった天性のパワフルボイスでもって天下にその名を知らしめる。 アルコール依存症から来る記憶力の著しい低下(カンニングペーパーなしでは一曲として歌い通せない)や、ライブ中に突然三点倒立するといった奇行はさておき、その剛毅な声は今もなお健在である。 .
Moqui Marbles is a hip hop group from Hamburg, Germany. .
Children's songs for adults. That's how Knight Berman Jr once described the music he writes and records as the Marble Tea, but it doesn't tell the full story. Grown-up topics like hiding from the law, excruciating ennui, and impotence have all found their way into songs in some fashion or another, and his affirmation that "I haven't met a child yet that I could sit and have a smoke with" further distances us from that original statement. Berman's I'm Batman EP was selected as CD of the Year for 2004 at, and three of his recordings were featured in...
Marble is a new dance label launched by Para One, Surkin and Bobmo. These three began sharing recording space less than a year ago, and soon spent some time jamming and producing together. Surkin and Bobmo already had their High Powered Boys project, but this new unit, christened Marble Players, is a bit more hardware-oriented and involves multiple analog/digital mutations. A typical day in the studio would be Bobmo coming up with a vocal digital sample, then Para replaying it on his SP12, then giving it back to Surkin so he can add his own Reason-based beats – you get...