Louis Marie Eugène Jancourt | ja

マイノリティの音楽に大衆性を付した世紀のエンターティナー (1901~1971)  1901年ニューオリンズ生まれ。地域と人種において限定的だったジャズを、大衆に向けて紹介したトランペッター。“ポップス”、あるいは大きな口に由来する“サッチモ”の愛称で親しまれた。少年期にピストル発砲事件を起こし、収容された更正施設で教官からコルネットを習う。17年の紅灯街ストーリーヴィル閉鎖でシカゴへ移ったキング・オリヴァー(tp)の後任として、キッド・オリー楽団で活動を開始。シカゴへ追ったオリヴァーのもとで初録音を経験し、フレッチャー・ヘンダーソン楽団で強力なアタックなどその陽気な個性を確立した。独立し、ホット5やホット7、ビッグ・バンドやオールスターズを運営し、大衆にアピールし、何曲ものヒットを放った。71年没。 Dr.NAKAJIMA著 .
Jean-Louis Murat (born January 28th 1952 in La Bourboule, France), is a well-known singer, composer, lyricist and guitarist who has also done some acting (in Jacques Doillon's 1990 film La Vengeance d’une Femme). Murat is a cultivator of a specific style, a certain musical aesthetic. Haunting and often sensual moods characterize his music. .
After graduating high school in Southern California in 1976, Eric went on to study at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Mass. There he studied with the legendary saxophone professor, Joe Viola. By the time he left Berklee, Eric had achieved the highest proficiency rating given by the school. In 1995, Eric was awarded the Berklee Distinguished Alumnus Award for outstanding achievements in contemporary music. He has since gone on to perform in over 65 different countries, recorded 11 solo CD's and has played on hundreds of records, films, television shows and commercial jingles. Eric started his professional career...
Louise Attaque is a French band founded in 1994. Its style could be described as something between chanson and folk-rock, although it has evolved since their first album Louise Attaque, which sold more than 2 million copies without any tv or radio promotion. Several of the group's albums were produced by Gordon Gano, lead singer of Violent Femmes, a band which Louise Attaque often cite as an influence and for whom their own band is named: "Louise" is a feminine name, taken from Louise Michel –a french anarchist militant in France in the nineteenth century– and "attaque" connotates violence, it...