Ice Cream | ja

Група Ice Cream е основана на 22 април 1997 година. Малко по късно те правят и първия си официален запис. Песента се казва “ I scream” или казано на български „ Аз крещя”. Малко хора знаят, че именно това е била и първоначалната идея за име на групата, но заради поясненията, които всеки път се налага да правят за името, момчетата решават да изберат за име – Ice Cream. Така, както ги познаваме до ден днешен. От първоначалния състав на групата, все още членове са Вики и Дани. През 1999г., се присъединява Тоди, а две години по-късно и Монти. През...
Formed in 2001, with their unconventional, hard-to-pigeonhole mixture of rough, heavy guitars and experimental, multi-layered electronic music, “Battle Scream” have already gained a loyal fan base extending beyond their home city of Dresden. In September 2007 they released their album “Suffering”, a remarkable reflection of the band's rapid progress over the last two years. While the electronic influence is unmistakeably greater, there is no lack of the usual catchy, heavy guitar riffs. But these are no longer in the foreground of the Dresden band's sound – instead they provide the right thrust and round off the overall impression of every...
結成は85年。地元シアトルのインディで活動していたが、インディ大手のSSTに見出され徐々に頭角を表していった。SSTでアルバムを数枚リリースした後、90年にメジャー契約。91年にUncle Anesthesiaでメジャーデビュー。 シアトル勢としてはSoundgardenと並んで先駆者的な存在だった。 このバンドの特徴はパンクを通過しつつもオーソドックスなアメリカンロックとラネガンの低音ヴォーカル、そしてサイケデリック感だといわれる。しかし、この個性的な音楽性こそが日本はおろか世界的にも彼らの知名度がイマイチに終わった要因の一つとなった感がある。他の有名シアトル・バンドとはかけ離れた音楽性ゆえに、所謂グランジ・ファンからソッポを向かれ、アンチ・グランジな人からは耳にする以前に他のバンドと同一視されたのは否めない。 96年の7thアルバムDustを最後にバンドは解散。ちなみにラストツアーではジョシュ・オムがサポートギタリストとして参加した。また、マーク・ラネガンはScreaming Trees時代からソロアルバムを積極的にリリースしている。 .
An alias of Ryu☆ collaborating with Mayumi Morinaga. .
Creamy (sometimes called was Rebekka Mathew and Rannva Joensen, a Traditional Bubblegum dance duo from Denmark. They are most well-known for the songs "I Do I Do I Do", "Never Ending Story" and "Help! I'm A Fish". In The Beginning Rebekka and Rannva began their musical career when they were just 13 years old. They sang eurodance/euro-pop versions of famous Danish children’s songs. Their debut album, Creamy, was a compilation of Creamy's favourite children's songs. Like some Bubblegum groups, Creamy originally sung in their native tongue, Danish. Their first album was released, and, due to its success in Denmark,...
見つかりました 199 曲, デュレーション: 11:25:41
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Ice Cream Man.
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"Ice Cream"
Ice Cream