Hector Parker | ja

A prolific jazz guitarist, Jeff Parker freelances in jazz and all its contemporary extracts mostly within the greater Chicago area. Noted for his smoothness and intensely influenced improvisational skills, Parker has had success with a number of groups, including the internationally praised avant-garde group Tortoise. Jeff Parker still resides in Chicago and can be found in almost every corner of the Chicago music scene. Jeff Parker links: Official website Thrill Jockey page .
ビ・バップの創始者でモダン・ジャズの父 (1920~1955) 1920年生まれ。アルト・サックス奏者で、愛称は“バード”。1955年死去。1940年代初頭から Dizzy Gillespie (tp) とともに“ビ・バップ”と呼ばれる演奏スタイルを創り出した。ビ・バップは高度な理論に基づいてオリジナルのコード進行を再構築、その上を速いテンポでアドリブ・ソロをとるというもの。その広がりによりジャズはそれまでの、ダンスのための音楽や楽しむための音楽から“演奏するための音楽=鑑賞する音楽”に大きく変わった。これがモダン・ジャズの始まりである。 .
1) Jazz pianist, born in Chicago 2) house music .
Somewhere between indie and mainstream you'll find Braxton Parker. An accomplished unsigned artist with an intense and profitable touring schedule, die hard DIY work ethic, and strong regional fan base, Braxton released his EP in April 2007 to great reception. Since its completion, the songs have been picking up a slew of radio, internet, satellite plays and press support. Friend and producer, Ted Comerford (Army of Me, Virginia Coalition, Zox) brought in the right players, including members from Ben Kweller for the project. With Comerford producing and Paul David Hager (Avril Lavigne, Butch Walker, American Hi-Fi) on board, Braxton Parker...